Estimating Actor Activity
Posted by Maxime Kan in posts
Estimating how active actors will be¶
In this post, we will try to modelize and forecast how many movies we can expect actors to appear in in the future based on their past activity. This is a problem that bears many similarities with marketing topics such as customer analysis, and can be viewed as a Customer Lifetime Value problem. The approach we will present here differs from time series in that we do not really associate movies with time units with attention, but rather look at aggregate numbers of movies during time ranges to fit probabilistic models.
For the purpose of this analysis, we will look at actors activity between 1950 and 1959 and try to estimate how many movies we can expect them to make in the next decade, from 1960 to 1969. In more statistical terms, we define 1950-1959 as our train period and 1960-1969 as our test period.
One main prerequisite of Customer Lifetime Value analysis is that by the beginning of the train period, all actors should be active. We should also ensure that by the end of the train period, all actors could still potentially be active. Hence, we will define active actors as actors who made at least one movie between 1945 and 1949 and that did not pass away before 1959. This will ensure that we only select actors that had already started their career by 1950 and that had the potential to continue their career after 1959.
! pip install lifetimes
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lifetimes import ParetoNBDFitter
from lifetimes.plotting import plot_frequency_recency_matrix, plot_probability_alive_matrix, plot_history_alive
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error, r2_score
from scipy.stats import gamma
%matplotlib inline
The data we will be using is from IMDB, the code below does loads, unzips and reads the three tables we will need here:
- A cast table that maps movie IDs to actor IDs
- A title table that maps movie IDs to movie information
- A name table that maps actor IDs to actor information
! wget ""
! wget ""
! wget ""
! gunzip title.principals.tsv.gz
! gunzip title.basics.tsv.gz
! gunzip name.basics.tsv.gz
cast = pd.read_csv("title.principals.tsv", sep="\t", na_values="\\N", keep_default_na=False,
usecols=["tconst", "ordering", "nconst", "category", "job"],
dtype={"tconst": str, "ordering": "Int64", "nconst": str, "category": str, "job": str})
titles = pd.read_csv("title.basics.tsv", sep="\t", na_values="\\N", keep_default_na=False,
usecols=["tconst", "primaryTitle", "startYear", "titleType"],
dtype={"tconst": str, "primaryTitle": str, "startYear": "Int64","titleType":str})
names = pd.read_csv("name.basics.tsv", sep="\t", na_values="\\N", keep_default_na=False,
usecols=["nconst", "primaryName", "birthYear", "deathYear"],
dtype={"nconst": str, "primaryName": str, "birthYear": "Int64", "deathYear": "Int64"})
To get a sense of what these three tables look like, here are some snippets:
movie_titles = titles[titles.titleType == "movie"]
names["alive"] = names.deathYear.isnull()
2. Data Preparation¶
Getting the transactional data for active actors¶
The first thing we need to do is to keep only the actors that are active according to these two criteria (already specified above):
- they need to have been active between 1945 and 1949, before the train period starts
- they need to have been alive in 1959, when the train period ends
startYear = 1950
endYear = 1960
# Filtering out actors that died before the end of the train period
classic_names = names[(names.birthYear<=startYear-10) & ((names.deathYear>=endYear) | (names.alive == True))]
# Merging all three data tables
classic_cast_actors = pd.merge(classic_names, cast, on = "nconst")
movie_actors = pd.merge(classic_cast_actors, movie_titles, on = "tconst")
movie_list = movie_actors[["primaryName","birthYear","deathYear","category","primaryTitle","startYear"]]
movie_list = movie_list[movie_list.category.isin(["actor","actress"])]
# Filtering out actors that we not active in the 5 years prior to the start of the train period
active_actors = movie_list[movie_list.startYear > startYear - 5].groupby("primaryName").agg({"startYear":"min"}).reset_index()
active_actors_list = active_actors[active_actors.startYear < startYear]
actors_list = active_actors_list["primaryName"]
movie_list = movie_list[movie_list.primaryName.isin(actors_list)]
# Splitting the train and test period
movie_list_observed = movie_list[movie_list.startYear.isin(range(startYear,endYear))]
movie_list_unobserved = movie_list[movie_list.startYear.isin(range(endYear,endYear+10))]
Eventually, we get a list of all the movies made by active actors during the train period. In CLV terms, this data is called the "transactional data", meaning there is one record by observation over time for each party. We have these tables for both the train period (observed) and test period (unobserved).
Getting the summary data for active actors¶
Transactional data is a natural way of formatting the data, as it allows to quickly access all the movies made by an actor for each year. However, most of this data is actually redundant for the methodologies we are going to be using, which are not time series-based.
Most of the analysis below will rely on summary data instead, which is simply an aggregated count of the movies by actor during the train period.
movie_counts = (movie_list_observed.groupby(["primaryName","startYear"])
.agg({"primaryTitle": "count"})
.rename(columns = {"primaryTitle":"numberMovies"}))
movie_counts_validation = (movie_list_unobserved.groupby(["primaryName","startYear"])
.agg({"primaryTitle": "count"})
.rename(columns = {"primaryTitle":"numberMovies"}))
3. Data Exploration¶
print("There are %i active actors between %i and %i in our data." %(len(actors_list),startYear, endYear-1))
Given there are no less than 5662 active actors in our data in the 50"s, we might just as well pick a few of them to get a sense of how the data looks and then later how our estimation methodology works for them.
actors = ["Bette Davis", "Cary Grant", "Vivien Leigh", "Kirk Douglas", "Elizabeth Taylor", "Henry Fonda",
"Robert Mitchum", "Barbara Stanwyck"]
names_actors = classic_names[classic_names.primaryName.isin(actors)].head(len(actors))
An important thing to note is that the year of death is not data that is available to us in this problem. Indeed, the train period stops in 1959, meaning that all we observe is who is still alive by that time. We can already see why this would be an issue: from this table, Vivien Leigh died in the late 60"s, which "unexpectedly" reduced the number of movies she did in this decade.
Let us have a closer look at the activity of these major stars of the 50"s by plotting the number of movies they made by year.
def plot_history_actor(ax, actor_name, max_value):
actor_history = movie_counts[movie_counts.primaryName == actor_name], actor_history.numberMovies, color="firebrick")
ax.set_xticks([i for i in range(1950,1960)])
ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, max_value, max_value+1))
ax.grid(color="white", linewidth=1.5)
def plot_history_actors(actors):
n = len(actors)
k = round(n/3+0.5)
max_value = movie_counts[movie_counts.primaryName.isin(actors)].numberMovies.max()
fig, axes = plt.subplots(k, 3, figsize=(15, 2*k))
for ax, actor_name in zip(axes.ravel(), actors):
plot_history_actor(ax, actor_name, max_value)
for i in range(n, k*3):
fig.suptitle("Number of movies made each year", y=1.1, fontsize=20)
4. Fitting a Poisson process¶
Model setting and estimation¶
Our first attempt will be to fit a Poisson process to each actor"s activity. From a mathematical point of view, this means we assume $N_{a,t}$, the number of movies made by actor $a$ until time $t$ follows a Poisson distribution with parameter $\lambda_a \times t$. In other words,
$$P[N_{a,t} = n] = \frac{(\lambda_a t)^n}{n!} e^{-\lambda_a t}$$The implications of this model are actually very simplistic. This means that on average, an actor $a$ will make $\lambda_a$ movies a year. It also means that this activity rate $\lambda_a$ is constant over time, and that the the expected number of movies in $t$ years is simply $\lambda_a \times t$.
As a result, it is very straightforward to estimate $\lambda_a$ for each actor using the Maximum Likelihood Estimator with $\widehat{\lambda_a} = \frac{N_{a,T}}{T}$.
lambda_actors = movie_counts.groupby("primaryName").agg({"numberMovies": "sum"}).reset_index()
lambda_actors["lambda"] = lambda_actors.numberMovies/(endYear - startYear)
lambda_actors = lambda_actors.merge(actors_list, on="primaryName", how="right").fillna(0)
lambda_actors["numberMovies"] = lambda_actors.numberMovies.astype(int)
Model interpretation¶
The table above gives the estimated values of $\lambda_a$ for each actor. This gives us the straightforward result: if an actor played in x movies during the train period, we can expect him or she to also play in x movies during the test period...
"All the trouble for... this? I could have guessed this on my own without a complicated Poisson process..." Sure!
However, the interesting part of the Poisson process is that it provides us with a probability distribution of the number of movies an actor will play in. In other words, we can assess the probability for each actor to play in $n$ movies, which is a much richer information than just the expected number of movies in a time period.
The following plots show the probability distribution for each actor along with the expected value (the dashed black line).
def probability(lambda_param, t, k):
return np.exp(-lambda_param*t)*(lambda_param*t)**k/np.math.factorial(k)
def plot_probability_actor(ax, actor_name, t):
lambda_param = lambda_actors[lambda_actors.primaryName == actor_name]["lambda"].iloc[0]
k_list = np.linspace(0, 40, 41)
probability_list = np.array([probability(lambda_param, t, k) for k in k_list]), probability_list, color="firebrick")
ax.axvline(x=lambda_param*t, color="k", linestyle="--")
ax.grid(color="white", linewidth=1.5)
def plot_probability_actors(actors, t):
n = len(actors)
k = round(n/3+0.5)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(k, 3, figsize=(15, 2*k))
for ax, actor_name in zip(axes.ravel(), actors):
plot_probability_actor(ax, actor_name, t)
for i in range(n, k*3):
fig.suptitle("Fitted probability distribution for t = " + str(t)+ " years", y=1.1, fontsize=20)
plot_probability_actors(actors, 10)
More intuitively, this probability distribution can also be viewed as a cumulative distribution function:
def cdf(lambda_param, t, n):
cdf = 0
for i in range(n):
cdf += probability(lambda_param, t, i)
return cdf
def plot_cdf_actor(ax, actor_name, t):
lambda_param = lambda_actors[lambda_actors.primaryName == actor_name]["lambda"].iloc[0]
n_list = np.linspace(0, 40, 41, dtype=int)
probability_list = np.array([1-cdf(lambda_param, t, n) for n in n_list])
ax.plot(n_list, probability_list, color="firebrick")
ax.fill_between(n_list, probability_list, color="firebrick", alpha=0.5)
ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, 1, 5))
ax.grid(color="white", linewidth=1.5)
def plot_cdf_actors(actors, t):
n = len(actors)
k = round(n/3+0.5)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(k, 3, figsize=(15, 2*k))
for ax, actor_name in zip(axes.ravel(), actors):
plot_cdf_actor(ax, actor_name, t)
for i in range(n, k*3):
fig.suptitle("Probability of appearing in more than n movies in t = "+ str(t) +" years", y=1.1, fontsize=20)
plot_cdf_actors(actors, 10)
This plot tells use for instance that the probability to appear in more than 10 movies between 1960 and 1969 is roughly 40% for Bette Davis, 85% for Cary Grant and 100% for Robert Mitchum.
Another benefit of the Poisson distribution is that it also brings interesting results for the waiting time between two movies. Indeed, with our previous notation, the waiting time for an actor $a$ follows an exponential distribution of parameter $\lambda_a$. This tells of for instance that the average waiting time between two movies for actor $a$ is $1/\lambda_a$.
def waiting_time(lambda_param, t):
return np.exp(-lambda_param*(t-1)) - np.exp(-lambda_param*t)
def plot_waiting_time_actor(ax, actor_name):
lambda_param = lambda_actors[lambda_actors.primaryName == actor_name]["lambda"].iloc[0]
t_list = np.linspace(1, 5, 5, dtype=int)
waiting_time_list = np.array([waiting_time(lambda_param, t) for t in t_list])
x_axis = [str(t-1) + "-" + str(t) + " y" for t in t_list], waiting_time_list, color = "firebrick")
ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, 1, 5))
ax.grid(axis="y", color="white", linewidth=1.5)
def plot_waiting_time_actors(actors):
n = len(actors)
k = round(n/3+0.5)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(k, 3, figsize=(15, 2*k))
for ax, actor_name in zip(axes.ravel(), actors):
plot_waiting_time_actor(ax, actor_name)
for i in range(n, k*3):
fig.suptitle("Probability distribution of waiting time between two movies in years", y=1.1, fontsize=20)
From the plot above, we can read that there is a 90% probability that Robert Mitchum waits less than a year to make another movie, whereas it is only 20% for Vivien Leigh.
As we can see from this section, despite the model"s simplicity, it has a lot of informative and interpretational power, which is why it is such a convenient tool for analytics. Let us now move on to actually evaluating it.
Model evaluation¶
By definition, the Poisson process is unbiased. The expected number of movies for 10 years will always be equal to the number of movies in the train period.
However, the main part we want to assess in this model is how well it is calibrated. If the model is well calibrated, then for any $k = 0, 1, ...$, we should have $S_{k,t} = \sum_a P[N_{a,t} = k]$ where $S_{k,t}$ is the number of movies made by all active actors after $t$.
In less mathematical terms, it means that if the model claims that for a given actor, there are x% chances to participate in k movies, it really happens with x% probability. The difficulty is that it cannot be assessed an individual level, only at an aggregate level. If most active actors have a high probability to make 0 movies in $t$ years, then we should expect a large number of actors to indeed make 0 movies in $t$ years.
Let us have a look at how well the model is calibrated on the train period first.
def compute_prediction(n, t):
return lambda_actors["lambda"].apply(lambda x: np.exp(-x*t)*(x*t)**n/np.math.factorial(n)).sum()
total_training = (movie_counts.groupby("primaryName")
.agg({"numberMovies": "sum"})
.merge(actors_list, on="primaryName", how="right")
.agg({"numberMovies": "count"})
.rename(columns={"numberMovies": "count"})
total_training = (total_training.merge(pd.DataFrame({"numberMovies": np.arange(41)}), how="right")
t = 10
width = 0.3
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
x_list = np.arange(41)
prediction_list = np.array([compute_prediction(n, t) for n in x_list]), prediction_list, width, label="predictions")
ax.set_title("Prediction of the number of movies between 1950 and 1959 - Training period", y=1.1) + width, total_training["count"], width, label="observed counts")
ax.legend(loc="upper right")
Looking at the plot above, we can see that on the train data, the Poisson process is very well calibrated. For most number of movies, the prediction is correct. There is only a slight overestimation of the number of actors that did 0 movies, combined to an underestimation of the number of actors that did 1 movie.
To assess the goodness of fit on the train period, we can use regression metrics like Mean Squared Error, Mean Absolute Error or the R2 score to measure the difference between these aggregated counts:
mse = mean_squared_error(total_training["count"], prediction_list)
mae = mean_absolute_error(total_training["count"], prediction_list)
r2 = r2_score(total_training["count"], prediction_list)
print("Fit on the train period: \n")
print("- Mean Squared Error: %i" %mse)
print("- Mean Absolute Error: %.1f" %mae)
print("- R2: %.2f" %r2)
Thus, the model we chose turns out to fit the train period quite well.
However, when looking at the test period (the next decade), it is a totally different story, as our model grossly overestimates the number of movies made between 1960 and 1969.
t = 10
real_amount = np.sum(movie_counts_validation["numberMovies"])
print("Number of movies made between 1960 and 1969 in reality: %i" % real_amount)
total_prediction = np.sum(lambda_actors["lambda"])*t
print("Expected number of movies made between 1960 and 1969 (Poisson model): %i" % total_prediction)
What happened? Why are we suddenly overestimating by 95% the expected number of movies?
The answer to this question is actually simple: the Poisson process assumes that actors will keep making movies at the same rate... forever. Remember, what we called "active actors" are actors that made at least a movie in 1945-1949. We learned their rate $\lambda_a$ during 1950-1959. It is highly doubtful they would still be making movies at this rate in 1960-1969, or even just highly unlikely they would still all be active by then...
Let us have a closer look at the calibration of the model for the test period:
total_validation = (movie_counts_validation.groupby("primaryName")
.agg({"numberMovies": "sum"})
.merge(actors_list, on="primaryName", how="right")
.agg({"numberMovies": "count"})
.rename(columns={"numberMovies": "count"})
total_validation = (total_validation.merge(pd.DataFrame({"numberMovies": np.arange(41)}), how="right")
width = 0.3
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
x_list = np.arange(41)
prediction_list = np.array([compute_prediction(n, t) for n in x_list]), prediction_list, width, label="predictions")
ax.set_title("Prediction of the number of movies between 1960 and 1969 - Test period", y=1.1) + width, total_validation["count"], width, label="observed counts")
ax.legend(loc="upper right")
This plot confirms what we started explaining above: more than 3000 actors made no movies at all in 1960-1969, although this only happened to less than 2000 in 1950-1959. However, this change is not captured by the Poisson process, that still predicts the same values for this decade than the previous one.
As a result, all the fit metrics are much worse on the test period than on the train period:
mse = mean_squared_error(total_validation["count"], prediction_list)
mae = mean_absolute_error(total_validation["count"], prediction_list)
r2 = r2_score(total_validation["count"], prediction_list)
print("Fit on the test period: \n")
print("- Mean Squared Error: %i" %mse)
print("- Mean Absolute Error: %.1f" %mae)
print("- R2: %.2f" %r2)
From this evaluation, it is clear that the Poisson process we suggested as a first approach is way too simplistic because it wrongly assumes that actors remain active forever, which leads to systematic activity overestimation. Moreover, this overestimation can only get worse with time: had we looked at 1970-1979 as a test period, it would obviously have been even more problematic.
As a result, we need to correct this model by adding a dynamic component to it that would capture decrease in activity over time, which would better reflect reality.
5. Fitting a Pareto/NBD model¶
Model Specification¶
A good alternative to the Poisson process is provided to us by marketing literature, as you can draw analogies between our setting and common marketing problems. "How many movies do actors make?" can turn into "How many deals does this customer make with my company?", and "Which actor is still active?" can translate as "How many of my customers are still active?" These questions were fundamental in the elaboration of the Pareto/NBD model, presented by Schmittlein et al in Counting your customers: who are they and what will they do next?" (1987).
The Pareto/NBD model builds on the Poisson process to add a second latent dimension: whether at time $t$, the actor is still active. That way, we do solve for the missing part observed previously, as we now allow actors to be active for a limited amount of time. In the Pareto/NBD model, we follow a two steps approach. First, is the actor still active? If yes, then we can apply the Poisson process as before. This model makes sense from an intuitive point of view, but estimating at what time an actor stops being active is difficult, as we do not observe at what point an actor effectively stops being active (unless death occurs).
Mathematically speaking, this is how we formulate the setting (skip this section if you are not so keen on stats overloads):
- An actor"s "lifetime" is modeled with an exponential distribution of "death rate" $\mu_a$
- Conditionally on being active, the actor still follows the Poisson process of rate $\lambda_a$
One of the main statistical differences between this model and the Poisson process is that we now place ourselves in the Hierarchical Bayesian framework and assume that all $\mu_a$ and $\lambda_a$ parameters also follow prior distributions:
- The "death rates" $\mu_a$ follow a Gamma distribution of parameters $(s,\beta)$
- The activity rates $\lambda_a$ follow a Gamma distribution of parameters $(r,\alpha)$
- For each actor, we assume $\mu_a$ and $\lambda_a$ to be independent.
The Exponential-Gamma model for $\mu_a$ results in a Pareto distribution and the Poisson-Gamma model for $\lambda_a$ in a Negative Binomial distribution, hence the name Pareto/NBD. We will not fully write out the formulas of the model here as they quickly get long, however, they are all detailed in Schmittlein et al"s paper.
In this setting, an actor"s behavior is defined by $(\mu_a,\lambda_a)$, which are functions of each actor"s data and prior parameters $(s,\beta,r,\alpha)$. Hence, we actually fully characterize our model with only 4 parameters. The main advantage of the Bayesian approach in this context is that the modeling for each actor will be impacted by the behavior of other actors, while still allowing for heterogeneity across the sample. For instance, it allows us to learn from the whole panel at what rate an actor typically becomes inactive. This is critical: how else could we predict that an actor who was very active in 1950-1959 could then suddenly stop making movies somewhere in the 1960"s?
Training the model using the "lifetimes" package¶
Fortunately, the "lifetimes" package spares us the parameter estimation for this problem, which otherwise would be quite tedious. To use the package, we need to convert our data to a dataframe with 3 attributes per actor:
- frequency: number of movies in 1950-1959 (train period)
- recency: the year of the last movie
- T: the number of years in the train period (10 in our case)
To comply with the package"s notation, the year last year of the train period - 1949 - represents now year 0. This is what we eventually get:
movie_counts_reshape = (movie_counts.groupby("primaryName")
.agg({"numberMovies": "sum", "startYear": "max"})
.rename(columns = {"startYear": "recency","numberMovies": "frequency"}))
movie_counts_reshape = movie_counts_reshape.merge(actors_list, on="primaryName", how="right")
movie_counts_reshape["recency"] = movie_counts_reshape.recency - startYear + 1
movie_counts_reshape.fillna(0, inplace=True)
movie_counts_reshape["T"] = endYear-startYear
With this dataframe in hand, all we need to do is to pass it to the ParetoNBDFitter.
pnbd = ParetoNBDFitter(penalizer_coef=0.1)["frequency"], movie_counts_reshape["recency"], movie_counts_reshape["T"])
print("Parameter estimation of the Pareto/NBD model: \n")
Model Interpretation¶
Let us first have a look at the four parameters estimated above: $(r, \alpha, s, \beta)$. These parameters allow us to specify the two gamma distributions (priors) from which all the $\lambda_a$ and $\mu_a$ values are drawn.
lambda_x_list = x = np.linspace(gamma.ppf(0.05, a=pnbd.params_["r"], scale=1/pnbd.params_["alpha"]),
gamma.ppf(0.95, a=pnbd.params_["r"], scale=1/pnbd.params_["alpha"]), 1000)
mu_x_list = x = np.linspace(gamma.ppf(0.01, a=pnbd.params_["s"], scale=1/pnbd.params_["beta"]),
gamma.ppf(0.99, a=pnbd.params_["s"], scale=1/pnbd.params_["beta"]), 1000)
lambda_y_list = gamma.pdf(lambda_x_list, a=pnbd.params_["r"], scale=1/pnbd.params_["alpha"])
mu_y_list = gamma.pdf(mu_x_list, a=pnbd.params_["s"], scale=1/pnbd.params_["beta"])
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(10,5))
axes[0].plot(lambda_x_list, lambda_y_list)
axes[0].set_title("Probability distribution of the \n lambda parameters")
axes[1].plot(mu_x_list, mu_y_list)
axes[1].set_title("Probability distribution of the \n mu parameters")
mean_lambda_a = pnbd.params_["r"]/pnbd.params_["alpha"]
mean_mu_a = pnbd.params_["s"]/pnbd.params_["beta"]
print("Among all actors, the mean "activity rate" lambda_a is: %.2f" % mean_lambda_a)
print("Among all actors, the mean "death rate" mu_a is: %.2f" % mean_mu_a)
As you can tell from these two distribution plots, the $\mu_a$ parameters are very concentrated around the mode at $0.01$. The $\lambda_a$ parameters, on the other hand, are drawn from a gamma distribution that allows a wider range of values. In other words, the Pareto/NBD model suggests that while actors might differ a lot in terms of movie frequency, they are very similar in the way they end their career.
The very different shapes of the two distribution plots illustrate why the Gamma distribution is such a popular choice for priors in Bayesian analysis, as it allows to fit very data sets of very different shapes.
Let us now have a closer look at the probability to be active, which is the key feature of the Pareto/NBD model compared to the more naive Poisson model. The implications of this model is that the longer it has been since an actor made his or her last movie, the more likely it is that the actor now is inactive.
t_future = 10
def plot_p_alive_actor(ax, actor_name):
history_actor = movie_counts[movie_counts.primaryName == actor_name]
history_actor.startYear = pd.to_datetime(history_actor.startYear, format="%Y")
plot_history_alive(pnbd, t_future, history_actor, "startYear", freq="YS", start_date="1950", ax=ax)
ax.legend(loc="lower left", labels=["P_alive", "movies"])
def plot_p_alive_actors(actors):
n = len(actors)
k = round(n/3+0.5)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(k,3, figsize=(15, 2*k))
for ax, actor_name in zip(axes.ravel(), actors):
plot_p_alive_actor(ax, actor_name)
for i in range(n, k*3):
fig.suptitle("Probability of being active during the training period", y=1.1, fontsize=20)
In the Pareto/NBD model, an actor"s probability to be still active is mainly driven by the recency of the last movie. However, it is also connected to the actor"s frequency. This twofold dependency can be visualized in the heatmap below. For instance, observing the last movie in the train period was in 1957 (year 8 in the model) will not mean that much if the actor used to make very little movies before that and that we observed several such gaps before. On the other hand, if an actor used to make a lot of movies in the past but suddenly stopped in 1957, it is much more likely that this is because it stopped active. This explains the characteristic shape of the heatmap.
ax = plot_probability_alive_matrix(pnbd)
ax.set_title("Probability Actor is Alive, \n by Frequency and Recency of the movies")
ax.set_xlabel("Actor"s Historical Frequency")
ax.set_ylabel("Actor"s Recency")
As a result, the Pareto/NBD model assumes that the more movies an actor has made in the train period and the more recent the last movie was, the more movies this actor is likely to make in the next period. The heatmap below illustrates this double dependency and has the same characteristic shape as previously.
ax = plot_frequency_recency_matrix(pnbd)
ax.set_title("Expected Number of Future Movies per Year, \n by Frequency and Recency of the movies")
ax.set_xlabel("Actor"s Historical Frequency")
ax.set_ylabel("Actor"s Recency")
As a result of the introduction of the probability to be still active, the Pareto/NBD model systematically shrinks the prediction of the Poisson model. This can be seen in the chart below on our actor sample.
Notice the case of Barbara Stanwyck for instance. The Poisson process naively predicts she will make around 22 movies in the 60"s, which is the same as the 50"s. However, after having been very active in the early 50"s, her last film in this decade was in 1958. A highly unusual drop, which the Pareto/NBD interprets as a sign of a probable career end. Hence, it only predicts around 9 movies for her in the 60"s, which is much closer to the actual 2 that she shot.
Her example contrasts with Vivien Leigh"s. Leigh Only made 2 movies in the 50"s, her last being in 1956. However, the Pareto/NBD model does not interpret this gap as a strong sign of a inactivity, as Leigh already made very few movies in the train period.
Overall, the chart below shows that the Pareto/NBD predictions come much closer to reality for this selected set of actors. It also shows one of its main limitations with the example of Henry Fonda, who made more movies in the 60"s than in the 50"s. This is a case that cannot be handled well by this model, as it will always assume that the activity in the next period will be at most at the same level as in the train period.
t_future = 10
movie_counts_reshape["predicted_purchases"] = pnbd.conditional_expected_number_of_purchases_up_to_time(
t_future, movie_counts_reshape["frequency"], movie_counts_reshape["recency"], movie_counts_reshape["T"]
predictions = movie_counts_reshape[movie_counts_reshape.primaryName.isin(actors)][["primaryName", "frequency", "predicted_purchases"]]
real_number = movie_counts_validation[movie_counts_validation.primaryName.isin(actors)].groupby("primaryName").agg({"numberMovies":"sum"})
predictions_actors = predictions.merge(real_number, on = "primaryName")
predictions_actors.plot.barh(x="primaryName", cmap=plt.get_cmap("tab10"), width=0.8).invert_yaxis()
plt.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5),
labels=["Expected number of movies with Poisson Process", "Expected number of movies with Pareto/NBD","Movies made in the 60"s"])
plt.title("Comparison between the predictions of the \n Poisson Process and the Pareto/NBD models")
Model Evaluation¶
Similarly to before, we now want to evaluate how well calibrated the model is to predict the number of movies made by actors in the test period from 1960 to 1969.
width = 0.3
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
x_list = np.arange(41)
prediction_list = np.array([pnbd.conditional_probability_of_n_purchases_up_to_time(
n, t_future, movie_counts_reshape["frequency"], movie_counts_reshape["recency"], movie_counts_reshape["T"]
).sum() for n in x_list]), prediction_list, width, label="predictions")
ax.set_title("Prediction of the number of movies between 1960 and 1969 - Test period", y=1.1) + width, total_validation["count"], width, label="observed counts")
ax.legend(loc="upper right")
This chart shows that the Pareto/NBD significantly reduced the bias we could observe previously. While it is still underestimating the number of actors that made 0 or 1 movies in the test period, this underestimation is now much smaller than before, which results in an overall better calibration of this model. This also gets confirmed by the metrics below:
mse = mean_squared_error(total_validation["count"], prediction_list)
mae = mean_absolute_error(total_validation["count"], prediction_list)
r2 = r2_score(total_validation["count"], prediction_list)
print("Fit on the test period: \n")
print("- Mean Squared Error: %i" %mse)
print("- Mean Absolute Error: %.1f" %mae)
print("- R2: %.2f" %r2)
Compared to the Poisson process, all these metrics are significantly better, which confirms that the Pareto/NBD model is a much better fit to estimate the activity of actors in the future.
6. Conclusion¶
In this post, we tried to estimate how many movies we could expect actors to make in the 60"s after having observed their behavior in the 50"s. To do this, we have considered two Customer Lifetime Value models. The first, based on a Poisson process, was not a good fit as it made the very restrictive assumption that actors remain active forever. Not surprizingly, this led to strong activity overestimation. The Pareto/NBD model, which adds the notion of probability of being still active and solves for this through the Bayesian framework, is much more interesting as it enables to capture drops in activity that then reflect in the number of movies actors make. Besides its accuracy, one of the key advantages of this model is the number of interesting insights it gives, which makes it a highly interpretable and intuitive statistical model.